Several factors make the selection of a tympanic repair code
difficult. Probably the most important is that there are many tympanic
repair procedures, from the relatively simple paper patch"" repair to
radical tympanoplasty and mastoidectomy with ossicular chain
Tympanic perforations can be caused by trauma" middle-ear infection
cholesteatoma or other disease. Fifteen codes in the "Repair" subsection
of the 69000 series (auditory section) of the
CPT manual may be used to report this continuum of tympanic repair procedures and selecting the correct code can be overwhelming.
The coder may lack the knowledge of medical and CPT terminology required
to understand how the codes differ from each other. The
otolaryngologist may be unaware that the codes do not correspond with
the tympanoplasty categories (type I through type V) that he or she is
familiar with. For example mastoidectomy a major factor in tympanoplasty
coding figures very little in determining the clinical type of
tympanoplasty performed.
The difficulties with the codes may be further exacerbated because some
of the descriptors do not necessarily match what the otolaryngologist
"This is a classic example of the importance of using CPT rather than
clinical terminology at the top of the operative report" says
Randa Blackwell
coding and reimbursement specialist with the department of
otolaryngology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. She says new
inexperienced coders are unlikely to know the clinical difference
between mastoidectomy and mastoidotomy as well as the clinical
subtleties that differentiate radical from modified radical or a
tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy from a tympanoplasty/mastoidectomy with
reconstructed wall.
However if the otolaryngologist's documentation provides clear answers
to the following questions it may be possible to zero in quickly on the
correct code.
No. 1: Was the Surgery Performed in the Office or the OR?
The simplest tympanic repair is often referred to as a paper patch and
is reported with 69610 (tympanic membrane repair with or without site
preparation or perforation for closure with or without patch). This
procedure involves patching a small puncture of the eardrum with a
cigarette-type paper and is typically performed in the
otolaryngologist's office. Three or four applications of a patch may be
needed before the perforation closes completely.
The paper-patch technique sometimes fails and even if the patch is
placed correctly it does not always provide prompt or adequate closure
of the tympanic membrane perforation. In such cases the otolaryngologist
may need to perform myringoplasty which involves using a fat or
soft-tissue graft (usually temporalis fascia) to repair the perforation.
Unlike the paper patch myringoplasty is typically performed in the
operating room (OR) and is coded 69620 (myringoplasty [surgery confined
to drumhead and donor area]).
Note: For a discussion on billing tympanic repair grafts see sidebar on page 76.
No. 2: Was Surgery Confined to the Drumhead?
Myringoplasty is often confused with tympanoplasty which is also
performed in the OR. However in CPT terms myringoplasty (69620) is a
relatively straightforward procedure (8.06 transitioned RVUs and a
10-day global period) but tympanoplasties are more complex procedures
(all the tympanoplasty codes have 90-day global periods and describe
procedures that require anesthesia and are performed in the OR).
"The key to distinguishing between myringoplasty and tympanoplasty is
knowing if the surgery was confined to the drumhead and the donor site
for the graft to repair the perforation " says
Lee Eisenberg MD
an otolaryngologist in private practice in Englewood N.J. and a member
of CPT's editorial panel and executive committee. "If the surgery was
confined to the drumhead it's a myringoplasty. This means the
otolaryngologist enlarged the perforation freshening the edges and then
placed a small piece of fat or fascia (harvested at the donor area see
code descriptor) into or under the perforation. If however the
otolaryngologist elevates the canal wall skin to repair the perforated
eardrum or look at the ossicular chain inside the middle ear the
procedure is likely best described by a tympanoplasty code."
Myringoplasty is performed via the ear canal but tympanoplasty a more
complex procedure often uses a postauricular incision Eisenberg says.
Because there are a dozen tympanoplasty codes simply noting that a
tympanoplasty was performed does not provide enough information to
select the correct code for the procedure. To do so you must ask further
No. 3: Was the Mastoid Affected? How Extensively?
The tympanoplasty codes in the
CPT manual do not parallel
the clinical classification system used by many physicians by which
tympanoplasties are placed in one of five "types " none of which include
mastoidectomy. As a result many otolaryngologists and their coders try
to match for example a type I tympanostomy with a myringoplasty or a
type V tympanostomy with a more complicated tympanostomy code when no
connection or similarity exists.
"The tympanoplasty-by-type terminology is not useful for coders "
Blackwell says. "Although a type I tympanoplasty may sometimes conform
to a 69620 myringoplasty many procedures categorized by any of the five
types may also be categorized as a basic tympanoplasty or one of its
variants." Eisenberg recommends that otolaryngologists limit the use of
clinical terminology to the procedure notes and use CPT terminology
whenever possible at the top of the operative report.
To understand how CPT organizes the tympanoplasty codes think of the codes as being arranged in four groups:
1. Without mastoidectomy
2. With mastoidectomy (or mastoidotomy)
3. With mastoidectomy and reconstruction of the canal wall
4. With modified radical or radical mastoidectomy.
Tympanoplasty may be performed with or without mastoidectomy (excision
of the mastoid a group of air cells in the bone behind the pinna). In
either case the tympanoplasty may include canalplasty (enlarging the ear
canal) atticotomy (when the surgeon drills on the posterior bony canal
wall to look into the attic) and/or middle-ear surgery such as removing
cholesteatomas or granulation tissue or just looking at the ossicles.
If the condition that resulted in the perforated tympanic membrane is
limited to the ear the otolaryngologist performs a tympanoplasty without
mastoidectomy (69631 tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy [including
canalplasty atticotomy and/or middle ear surgery] initial or revision;
without ossicular chain reconstruction]). The patient is anesthetized
and the middle ear is entered through either the ear canal or
postauricular incision then a piece of temporalis fascia is placed
beneath the perforation.
In many cases the otolaryngologist suspects that the mastoid is affected
(due to cholesteatoma or a chronic draining ear for example) or that a
mastoidectomy is needed because of a previously failed tympanoplasty.
Like the ethmoid sinuses behind the nose the mastoid in its normal state
resembles a honeycomb composed of many bony partitions or air cells.
When a More Extensive Procedure Is Required
If the otolaryngologist decides to enter the mastoid he or she may
perform an antrotomy or mastoidotomy to view the mastoid antrum and then
evaluate the need for more extensive surgery. This procedure is
reported with 69635 (tympanoplasty with antrotomy or mastoidotomy
[including canalplasty atticotomy middle ear surgery and/or tympanic
membrane repair]; without ossicular chain reconstruction).
If the otolaryngologist decides to do a more complete procedure a
mastoidectomy is performed in conjunction with the tympanoplasty. This
coded as 69641
(tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy [including canalplasty middle ear
surgery tympanic membrane repair]; without ossicular chain
reconstruction) involves drilling out all or most of the cells in the
If the canal wall is taken down to remove completely all the mastoid
contents and is reconstructed use 69643 ( with intact or reconstructed
wall without ossicular chain reconstruction).
If the patient's condition is particularly severe a modified radical or
radical mastoidectomy may be needed. Either procedure is coded 69645 (
radical or complete without ossicular chain reconstruction). In the
radical technique the otolaryngologist removes most of the mastoid canal
wall and middle-ear bones. The modified radical mastoidectomy meanwhile
aims to maintain an aerated middle ear.
Note: CPT also includes a series of codes (69501-69511) to report mastoid surgery performed without tympanoplasty.
According to Eisenberg 69645 is confusing because it identifies and
describes only a radical mastoidectomy. There is no code for
tympanoplasty with modified radical mastoidectomy even though this
procedure is preferable and may be performed more often than the true
radical mastoidectomy (neither procedure is frequently performed).
Eisenberg maintains that the way the codes are written implies that
69645 and its derivative 69646 should be used for radical and modified
radical mastoidectomies.
No. 4: Was Ossicular Chain Reconstruction Done?
If during the course of any of the tympanoplasties described above a
defect in the bones is discovered in the bones of the middle ear
(ossicles) or if an eroded bone had to be removed during surgery the
otolaryngologist may repair the defect by replacing the bone(s) a
service referred to as ossicular chain reconstruction. Any middle- ear
repairs during tympanoplasty are more likely to be attempted if the ear
is dry and not infected.
Sometimes the need for such repairs can be determined prior to surgery.
Often however it becomes clear to the otolaryngologist only when the ear
is opened completely and examined under the operating microscope. The
most common bone erosion occurs at the tip of the incus (anvil) which is
connected by a piece of bone only 1.5 mm thick to the stapes (stirrup
bone). If the patient had prior infections the circulation to the bone
may be obstructed and infection can wear away the connection.
To repair the defect there are several options. A piece of tragal
cartilage (the cartilage in front of the ear canal) may be placed or
more commonly the patient's incus or one from a donor is reshaped to
replace the missing ossicle.
In some cases a prosthesis made of synthetic material is used instead of
bone. For example the physician may insert a strut made from artificial
bone. This is porous and allows blood vessels to grow resulting in the
complete assimilation of the artificial bone.
Each group of tympanoplasty codes described earlier 69631 69635
(mastoidotomy) 69641 69643 and 69645 includes a secondary code that
includes ossicular reconstruction. Two of the categories tympanoplasty
without mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty with mastoidotomy also include a
tertiary code if a prosthesis is used to aid the reconstruction. The
codes are listed as follows:
- 69632 tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy ... initial or revision; with ssicular chain reconstruction (e.g. postfenestration)
- 69633 with ossicular chain reconstruction and synthetic
prosthesis (e.g. partial ossicular replacement prosthesis [PORP] total
ossicular replacement prosthesis [TORP])
- 69636 tympanoplasty with antrotomy or mastoid-otomy ...; with ossicular chain reconstruction
- 69637 with ossicular chain reconstruction and synthetic
prosthesis (e.g. partial ossicular replacement prosthesis [PORP] total
ossicular replacement prosthesis [TORP])
- 69642 tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy ...; with ossicular chain reconstruction
- 69644 with intact or reconstructed canal wall with ossicular chain reconstruction
- 69646 radical or complete with ossicular chain reconstruction.
If ossicular chain reconstruction is performed with either bone or a
synthetic prosthesis these codes should be used in place of the primary
codes they follow.
No. 5: Was a Revision Performed?
Sometimes a tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy is performed but the
patient continues to manifest symptoms such as cholesteatoma. Or the
patient may have had acute mastoiditis that required mastoidectomy and
now requires a revision mastoidectomy but also has a middle-ear disease
that necessitates tympanoplasty. In such cases the otolaryngologist may
decide to perform a revision mastoidectomy which is a much different
procedure from a mastoidectomy performed on a patient with no history of
previous mastoid intervention.
CPT includes one code (69604
revision mastoidectomy; resulting in tympanoplasty) for revision
mastoidectomies performed with tympanoplasty. There is however no
specific code for tympanoplasty revisions Blackwell notes. If the
otolaryngologist performs a revision tympanoplasty the correct
tympanoplasty code should be chosen from those listed earlier based on
was performed.
If the revision makes the tympanoplasty more difficult modifier -22
(unusual procedural services) may be used as long as there is
appropriate supporting documentation.
As with all documentation the dictation that supports the request for
additional fees to compensate for the extra effort required to perform
the procedure should use terminology that is CPT-compatible Blackwell